Partner Thai
Sit, Walk, Stand
April 24th - 5 pm -7 pm
investment : $30 (individual)

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Course Description
This is a 2-hour course teaching Thai Techniques, with demonstration and hands-on practice for you and a loved one. Share the mat with a friend, family member or you can be partnered with someone else. Don't allow being solo to stop you from this amazing experience!
These are simple yet amazing tools to assist in the familiar aches and pains we all experience from a tired, overworked week, and stress. We will learn safe and effective techniques, I call Sit, Walk, Stand.
Face it, we are tired at the end of the day, and giving each other a shoulder rub doesn't always sound appealing. These techniques require little to no effort, using one's own body weight for the pressure is the brilliance.
Compassionate Touch - Love is the universal medicine, and touch is a way to communicate this power and healing. We have rapidly become a touch-free society and disconnected in so many ways. The powerful intention is to bring compassionate touch back into our relationships, our homes, and with our kids.
Schedule a private Partner Thai for you and a loved one!
This is a 2-hour individualized event catered to your specific needs.
Do you have a larger group?
Host 3 or more couples for a group Partner Thai event.
email me for details and reservations at
No Prior Experience Neccesary
These courses are open to everyone! This is great for yoga teachers or anyone interested in well being, healing and body work, however, no prior yoga or massage experience is necessary!
Dates and Locations
April 24, 2022
9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Hosted by Glowing Body Yoga & Healing Arts
711 Irwin Street
Knoxville, TN 37917
Certification of Completion
Course includes live demonstration and hands on instruction as well as a printed instruction guide and manual. You will receive an individual Certification of Completion after completing this module.

You will be automatically enrolled in the course upon paypal payment. For any addition questions please contact me via
I look forward to meeting you in class !