What is Osteothai -
Osteopathy principals blended with Thai healing dynamic and static techniques.
Osteopathy was founded in 1874, single-handedly by Dr. Andrew Taylor Still, an American Physician, Surgeon, Author and Inventor....
Principals of Osteopathy- Mind, Matter and Motion.... Life is Motion..To the degree there is vitality, is the degree of motion.
Life is Spirit- the breath of Life, Spirit uses the biological system to carry out the impetus for life that is generated by the creator...
To find health and the expression of health in an individual is the object of Osteopathy and then to unit with the dysfunctional or diseased tissue. Osteopathy is a participator in the healing process. To witness the miraculous take place in the human body.
During Kelly's travels to Thailand in 2016, she met and studied with David Lutt, a licensed osteopath, and co-founder of Osteothai and initiator of Dynamic Thai Massage.
Osteothai bridges the two worlds of Eastern and Western modalities with Osteopathy principals, quality of touch, and Thai yoga movements.
In 2019 Kelly entered a Masters Osteothai course with both David Lutt and Jörg Schürp to further strengthen her knowledge and palpatory skills to assist in the healing journey of others.