Traditional Thai Stretching
15 CEs / NCBTMB Approved
investment : $415
or 4 interest-free payments of $103.75 using Pay Later

Course Description
This course is for refining the beauty and benefits of Thai stretching, and for integrating the world of fascia throughout a Thai session. This course will be an advanced study solely dedicated to Traditional Thai Stretching as a focus in all positions: supine, prone, side-lying, and seated. This course will break down the micromovements and effects on the body during a stretch, and how to work with the breath during a stretch. This course will continue to honor the beauty of Thai Massage bodywork and to refine one of the most known elements in the Thai tradition, “Stretching”.
No Prior Experience Neccesary
These courses are open to everyone! This is great for yoga teachers or anyone interested in well being, healing and body work, however, no prior yoga or massage experience is necessary!
Dates and Locations
January 6 & 7 2022
9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Hosted by Glowing Body Yoga and Healing Arts
711 Irwin Street,
Knoxville, TN 37918
Certification of Completion
Course includes live demonstration and hands on instruction as well as a printed instruction guide and manual. You will receive an individual Certification of Completion after completing this module.

You will be automatically enrolled in the course upon paypal payment. For any addition questions please contact me via
I look forward to meeting you in class !